So I was watching Jersey Shore this weekend (yes, I admittedly find it exceptionally entertaining)and I came to the conclusion that there needs to be a newly minted word for "snuggle". Girls can use this word at any time with no repercussions. It's cute, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy... and they aren't embarrassed to admit they like to do it. But guys, can't really say "snuggle" without consequence. They can't tell another guy they just hung out and "snuggled" with a girl. They can't even tell the girl they are with that they enjoy snuggling with them without sounding like a fool. So there needs to be a new word for guys to say in place of snuggle that means snuggle but isn't snuggle. Snoggle. That's my first attempt.
the people in my shorenhouse coined the term "sweetbuns" a few years back. i.e. if someone asked why someone else (who had a female houseguest) hadn't come out to the beach yet, the response would be, "he's still in bed being a sweetbuns". it became pretty contagious. i have no problem using the word snuggle, however.
ReplyDeleteI guess you are using it as a noun, I am looking for a verb really. Can you say, "yeah I don't mind sweetbunning?"
ReplyDeleteDon't be ashamed about watching the Jersey Shore. It's my one guilty pleasure each week too! Oh, plus a glass of Ron Ron Juice!
ReplyDeleteOh I'm not ashamed about watching Jersey Shore. However, I am ashamed when I leave it on and end up watching all the Teen Mom 2s, and "I Used to be Fats"